Building APIs – especially public-facing ones – is hard. There are a lot of decisions to be made, starting with the API concept (GraphQL, RE…
Problem We have recently received many alerts about high disk usage on MongoDB Atlas for the past two weeks. According to docs, Disk utiliza…
Feeds are an essential part of every social network. The same applies here at Hashnode. Until now, we have used a very basic and generic alg…
This article gives you an overview of the architecture of Hashnode. The goal of this article is to give you a broad architecture of our invo…
Hey everyone, this article discusses how we manage breaking changes in Hashnode's GQL Public API. We recently announced Public APIs 2.0 and …
Pre-calculating feeds for thousands of users with AWS Step Functions 😎 Preparing data in the cache Distributed map for users where metada…
After spending so many years in college, it seems sensible to look for a job that pays fairly. Finding such a career, though, is not an easy…